Rotterdam Mobility Centre (RMC)
Tailor-made mobile platform

RMC: mobility is freedom
The Rotterdam Mobility Centre (RMC) offers its customers freedom, keeps them on the move, and broadens their world. RMC provides group transport services with the aid of smart and modern technologies.
The best service
As commissioned by several municipalities, RMC takes care of additional transport for the elderly and for people with a disability. RMC performs this task safely, in the most responsible manner possible, and on the basis of appointments. RMC has made it its goal to make each aspect of its service provision as easy and pleasant as possible. This applies to both the actual rides and their reservation.
The RMC-app: book a ride in a flash
We developed an app for RMC that enables its users to book rides in a very easy manner, and that gives access to personalised travel information via smartphone or tablet. With one click in the app, you can indicate the location where you want RMC to collect you or where you want to go, and with whom you want to go there, or what you want to take with you (for example, someone who guides you, a wheel chair, or a rollator). You also have access to an overview of your booked rides. Furthermore, you can track and trace the driver, and post a review of the driver and the ride.

Technology behind the app
The target group of this app is mostly elderly people. We discovered that they often use the old smartphones or tables of their children. So, in order to provide them with the best possible user experience, the app had to be compatible with older devices.
Another technical challenge was the functioning of the app within RMC’s transport vehicles. For computerising the application’s maintenance, we therefore developed an additional portion of software. Now, the app is constantly updated during the rides.
Finally, we made sure that the app is available on iPhone, iPad, and Android.

Designed by Hike One
“Egeniq was like no other able to bridge the gap between our world of mobility services and their world of technology. The team came up with the solutions for our business issues and developed a powerful and reliable platform.”
“Our assignment for RMC was an exciting experience with a beautiful end result. The platform we developed for RMC is not only for passengers, but also for all kinds of employees of the company.”