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If you are using Dagger Hilt on your Android project, you’ve probably seen this exception when opening a screen. It is not really helpful, and you can lose quite some time finding the culprit, so here I list the most common causes I had when I got this exception.

Missing @AndroidEntryPoint on your Fragment / Activity

In each activity and fragment where you inject your ViewModel, you need to annotate the class with this annotation:

@AndroidEntryPoint class NameInputDialogFragment : Fragment { val viewModel by viewModels() … }

This is quite easy to forget, and happens with even the best of us

Missing @ViewModelInject on ViewModel constructor (now deprecated)

Another frequent thing we forget. Instead of just a regular constructor with parameters, we need to add an annotation now:

class HomeViewModel @ViewModelInject constructor( private val databaseRepository: DatabaseRepository, … ) : ViewModel() { … }

Missing @HiltViewModel on ViewModel (from 2.31+)

If you are on Dagger 2.31 or higher, the new way to inject into ViewModels instead of the @ViewModelInject approach is to annotate the class with @HiltViewModel and add an @Inject constructor:

class HomeViewModel @Inject constructor(     private val databaseRepository: DatabaseRepository,     … ) : ViewModel() { … }

Missing compiler dependency

This can happen if you just started a new project, and forgot to include the kapt compiler which generates all the code for injecting the ViewModels.
You probably added the Dagger Hilt compiler, but forgot about the androidx-hilt one:

implementation “$dagger_hilt_version” kapt “$dagger_hilt_version” kapt “androidx.hilt:hilt-compiler:$androidx_hilt_version” implementation “androidx.hilt:hilt-lifecycle-viewmodel:$androidx_hilt_version”

Did you have the same exception, and something else was the cause? Feel free to add it as a comment!

Written by Dániel Zolnai

Software Engineer

Usually, Dániel has already done the job before you have even asked him to start. And he always delivers top quality work. This has made him our in-house psychic. He does not do Toto-forecasts however, which is a bummer.

Published on: January 25th, 2021


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