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We are happy and proud to announce that Egeniq has recently become a member of the Dutch Digital Agencies (DDA), the well-known branch association and knowledge institute for digital entrepreneurs. This membership is yet another sign of the growing recognition for those who create smart and interactive apps! We are delighted to have been given the opportunity to represent the Dutch digital industry in concert with the other members.

DDA offers us the perfect platform to exchange know-how and experiences with the other affiliated parties via (digital) knowledge sessions, events and other means. Egeniq is looking forward to use this platform for making important contributions to the further professionalisation of the digital sector in the Netherlands.

Who are DDA?

Digital Agencies are constantly focussed on analysing the technological landscape and anticipating the changes occurring here. That is why they are often leading in providing top-notch innovative and creative solutions to their clients.

Dutch Digital Agencies was established in 2002 and one of its goals is to bring prominent digital organisations together. Through knowledge sharing by its members and exchanging this expertise with external stakeholders and other interested parties, DDA tries to inspire and enrich digitalisation in the Netherlands. In this way, it intends to lift the technology industry to a higher plane. By trying new things, coming up with novel ideas, and gaining the commitment of young enthusiastic people, DDA wants to make a difference on a continuous basis.

Members of DDA

In line with the ever growing digital world, the number of digital agencies in the Netherlands is steadily increasing. All these organisations have one thing in common: they are engaged in the creation, design, development, and maintenance of digital products. In other words: they create products that are used in practice. The DDA-members are therefore not consultancy firms or marketing bureaus. Our members’ products are actively used in multiple branches and sectors. And in this context, the wishes of the end users are always central.

DDA is continuously searching for digital agencies that stand out. As a result, the number of members increases each year. In spite of (or thanks to) the Covid19 crisis, the digital industry is growing, and it is expected that this growth will only intensify. On a day to day basis, DDA’s members are engaged in adapting smart technologies to meet the requirements of a continuously changing world. By taking small steps towards a further digitalisation, an ever-increasing number of people and businesses start to recognise the value of the use of technology and innovation in their activities.

Who is Egeniq?

A crew of dedicated professionals who create smart, innovative, and unique apps that are compatible with all possible devices and that solve all your communication challenges. This is what Egeniq does. Listening to the radio on your phone, voting for your favourite love couple in Love Island, following the news, paying in the cinema with your phone, you can now do all these things thanks to our apps. For many years now, we have been engaged in building optimum solutions for our clients in various sectors, such as retail, media, the government, the travel branch, and the entertainment business.

We create native apps, web apps and back-end solutions and make them suitable for Android and iOS. Our smart approach to developing systems and our high level of customer focus enables us to build great products for our clients. This is done in three steps:

1. Understanding

It is for both our clients and ourselves important to have mutual clarity on the purpose of the app that has to be created, the message that it has to bring across, and how this must be done. Our first step is to map out our clients’ wishes and expectations. Next, the process starts of finding and designing the perfect product. Here, ongoing consultation throughout the entire project allows us to make in-between adjustments to avoid surprises for the client afterwards. The design of the app is also discussed in this phase. We show our clients all concept versions, which are always tested for their technical feasibility. And only when there is full consensus on the planned product, will we move on to the next phase.

2. Development

In the first phase, all technical design issues are mapped out. Next, they are integrated into the app. Owing to the intensive and detailed preliminary discussions with our clients, the apps can be realised relatively fast. After the concept version has been completed, the app is extensively tested. Because we want to deliver a stable and perfectly functioning product, this is standard procedure. And finally, when the app fully meets all functional and technical requirements, it is submitted to the app stores. No second earlier.

3. Maintenance and further development

After the app has been launched onto the market, we will make sure that the further refinement and post-development process continues, and always in line with your wishes. For example, following the trend of voice-steered apps and programmes, we could add voice-command. We are always on top of the newest technological developments, and try – whenever possible – to integrate them into your products. And you certainly may expect from us that we will proactively contact you if we learn about something new and interesting for your app. In this way, we help you in distinguishing yourself with your product, now and in the future. By the way, Egeniq has no lock-in policy. In other words: if you want to do the maintenance of your app yourself or go somewhere else, it is of course no problem.

Written by Jessica Henneman

Marketing / Account Manager

Whenever something needs to be worked out, Jessica has already done it. With a perfect eye for detail, she sees to it that all run as smooth as silk. On top of that, Jessica is Egeniq’s marketing specialist.

Published on: October 21st, 2020


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